07 March 2011

Pimp My Server

Or: Why Virtualization is Awesome but The Cloud is Not Necessarily Awesome


  1. LOL, I think the bigger question is how the Facebook fit in the Gmail...

  2. how can i get doors to work on doors

  3. Yeah, some of the levels of inter connectivity are redundant and annoying. Like when I get an e-mail to my gmail account, I have my instant messenger (Trillian) set to pop-up. It also pushes the e-mail to my phone. And if I have Trillian on on my phone, then I end up getting two messages telling me I have an e-mail. I could turn it off, but then when I am sitting at my computer, I wouldn't know when I got an e-mail. So I just never use Trillian on my phone, which sucks when I want to move around the house and yet still IM. Pretty much, there is no winning.

  4. First picture made me think of inception for some reason.

  5. @DGRPHX
    You can put a doorhandle-door in an automatic door?

  6. Windows 98 running in Windowx XP that runs under Windows 7
